Entity Framework Extensions SynchronizeMatched AndCondition Expression


The SynchronizeMatchedAndConditionExpression allows you to perform the bulk synchronize operation if the specified property value is equal to the database value.

The following example updates all those records in which CreatedDate value is equal to the database value.

using (var context = new EntityContext())
    var customers = context.Customers.ToList();
    customers.ForEach(x => 
        x.Name += "_Updated"; 
        x.Description += "_Updated"; 
        x.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; 
        x.IsActive = false; 
    customers.Last().CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

    context.BulkSynchronize(customers, options => 
        options.SynchronizeMatchedAndConditionExpression = c => new {c.CustomerID, c.CreatedDate };

Try it: EF Core | EF6

  • It will update all the records except for the last one because the CreatedDate property is updated for the last record.

Last updated: 2023-03-01
