Entity Framework Extensions Delete Matched and one NOT Condition


The DeleteMatchedAndOneNotCondition option lets you perform or skip the delete action, depending on if at least one value from the source is different than the destination for properties specified.


context.BulkDelete(customers, options => 
	// ON DELETE, remove customer where the version is not equal
	options.DeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression = x => new { x.Version };


A company uses Entity Framework and needs to delete customers with the BulkDelete method.

However, there is a particularity. The delete should only happen if the version in the database is not equal as the one coming from the importation.

In summary:

  • If the Version value are equal, the customer cannot be deleted
  • If the Version value are not equal, the customer can be deleted


TheDeleteMatchedAndOneNotCondition option have 4 solutions to this problem:


Use this option if you prefer to specify with an expression which properties you want to include.

context.BulkDelete(customers, options => 
	// ON DELETE, remove customer where the version is not equal
	options.DeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression = x => new { x.Version };
Method Name Try it
BulkDelete DeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression Fiddle


Use this option if you prefer to specify a list of property names you want to include. The value must correspond to the property name or the navigation name.

context.BulkDelete(customers, options => 
	// ON DELETE, remove customer where the version is not equal
	options.DeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionNames = new List<string>() { nameof(Customer.Version) };
Method Name Try it
BulkDelete DeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionNames Fiddle


Use this option if you prefer to specify with an expression which properties you want to exclude/ignore. All non-specified properties will be included.

context.BulkDelete(customers, options => 
	// ON DELETE, remove customer where the version is not equal (by excluding other properties)
	options.IgnoreOnDeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression  = x => new { x.CustomerID, x.Name, x.Email, x.Note };
Method Name Try it
BulkDelete IgnoreOnDeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression Fiddle


Use this option if you prefer to specify a list of property names you want to exclude/ignore. The value must correspond to the property name or the navigation name. All non-specified properties will be included.

context.BulkDelete(customers, options => 
	// ON DELETE, remove customer where the version is not equal (by excluding other properties)
	options.IgnoreOnDeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionNames = new List<string>() { nameof(Customer.CustomerID), nameof(Customer.Name), nameof(Customer.Email), nameof(Customer.Note) };
Method Name Try it
BulkDelete IgnoreOnDeleteMatchedAndOneNotConditionNames Fiddle

Last updated: 2023-02-28
