Entity Framework Extensions Coalesce OnMergeUpdate Expression


The CoalesceOnMergeUpdateExpression allows you to not update any column if the specified value is null and its database value is not null when BulkMerge method is executed.

The following example will update only those columns in which the specified value is not null.

using (var context = new EntityContext())
    var list = context.Customers.ToList();
    list.ForEach(x => { x.Name += "_Updated"; x.Description = null; x.IsActive = false;});
    list.Add(new Customer() { Name ="Customer_C", Description = null, IsActive = false});
    context.BulkMerge(list, options => 
        options.CoalesceOnMergeUpdateExpression = c => new {c.CustomerID, c.Description};

Try it: EF Core | EF6

  • It will update only Name and Active columns because the new specified values are null.
  • The new value for Description is null so it will not update the Description column.

Last updated: 2023-03-01
