Entity Framework Extensions Delete Range By Key

The DeleteRangeByKey is a DbSet<TEntity> extension method that deletes multiple entities by using the value from existing entities.

  • It is a direct operation and doesn't require to call SaveChanges.
  • The entity must exist in the database before this method is called.
var customersToDelete = context.Customers.ToList().Take(2);

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In this example, the first two customers are deleted by specifying the entities itself from the database.

Anonymous Type

You can pass a list of anonymous type objects as a parameter.

var anonymousObjects = customers.Take(2).Select(x => new { x.CustomerID });

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Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)

You can also specify a list of DTO entities as a parameter.

var customerDTO = context.Customers
    .Select(c => new CustomerDTO
        CustomerID = c.CustomerID,
        Name = c.Name

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Name Description Example
DeleteRangeByKey<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<T> entities) Deletes multiple entities by key in your database. Try it
DeleteRangeByKeyAsync<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<T> entities) Deletes multiple entities by key in your database.
DeleteRangeByKeyAsync<TEntity, T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable<T> entities) Deletes multiple entities by key in your database.

Last updated: 2023-03-01
