Entity Framework Extensions Column


Name Description
ColumnInputExpression Specifies column that must be inserted/updated.
ColumnOutputExpression Specifies column that must be returned (populated in the entity).
ColumnInputOutputExpression Specifies column that must be inserted/updated & returned (populated in the entity).
ColumnPrimaryKeyExpression Specifies custom properties to use as the key.
ColumnSynchronizeDeleteKeySubsetExpression It allows to synchronize (insert/update/delete) only a part of the tables.

Ignore On

Name Description
IgnoreOnInsertExpression It allows to ignore some columns when the BulkInsert method is executed.
IgnoreOnMergeInsertExpression It allows to ignore some columns when the BulkMerge method executes the insert statement and these columns will only be used in update statement.
IgnoreOnMergeMatchedAndConditionExpression Inverse of MergeMatchedAndConditionExpression which allows to perform only the UPDATE in the BulkMerge if the specified property value is equal to the database value.
IgnoreOnMergeMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression Inverse of MergeMatchedAndNotConditionExpression which allows to perform only the UPDATE in the BulkMerge if the specified property value is not equal to the database value.
IgnoreOnMergeUpdateExpression It allows to ignore some columns when the BulkMerge method executes the update statement and these columns will only be used in insert statement.
IgnoreOnSynchronizeInsertExpression It allows to ignore some columns when the BulkSynchronize method executes the insert statement and these columns will only be used in update statement.
IgnoreOnSynchronizeMatchedAndConditionExpression Inverse of SynchronizeMatchedAndConditionExpression which allows to perform the bulk synchronize operation if the specified property value is not equal to the database value.
IgnoreOnSynchronizeMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression Inverse of SynchronizeMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression which allows to perform the bulk synchronize operation if the specified property value is not equal to the database value.
IgnoreOnSynchronizeUpdateExpression It allows you to ignore some columns when the BulkSynchronize method executes the UPDATE statement and these columns will only be used in INSERT statement.
IgnoreOnUpdateExpression It allows you to ignore some columns when the BulkUpdate method is executed.
IgnoreOnUpdateMatchedAndConditionExpression Inverse of UpdateMatchedAndConditionExpression which allows to perform the bulk update operation if the specified property value is not equal to the database value.
IgnoreOnUpdateMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression Inverse of MergeMatchedAndNotConditionExpression which allows you to perform the bulk update operation if the specified property value is not equal to the database value.

Merge Matched

Name Description
MergeMatchedAndConditionExpression It allows you to perform only the UPDATE in the BulkMerge if the specified property value is equal to the database value.
MergeMatchedAndNotConditionExpression It allows you to perform only the UPDATE in the BulkMerge if the specified property value is not equal to the database value.

Synchronize Matched

Name Description
SynchronizeMatchedAndConditionExpression It allows you to perform the bulk synchronize operation if the specified property value is equal to the database value.
SynchronizeMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression It allows you to perform the bulk update operation if the specified property value is not equal to the database value.

Update Matched

Name Description
UpdateMatchedAndConditionExpression It allows you to perform the bulk update operation if the specified property value is equal to the database value.
UpdateMatchedAndOneNotConditionExpression It allows you to perform the bulk update operation if the specified property value is not equal to the database value.


Name Description
CoalesceDestinationOnMergeUpdateExpression It allows you to update the new value if the database value is null otherwise, keeps the database value when BulkMerge method is executed.
CoalesceDestinationOnUpdateExpression It allows you to update the new value if the database value is null otherwise, keeps the database value when BulkUpdate method is executed.
CoalesceOnMergeUpdateExpression It allows you to not update any column in if the specified value is null and its database value is not null when BulkMerge method is executed.
CoalesceOnUpdateExpression It allows you to not update any column in if the specified value is null and its database value is not null when BulkUpdate method is executed.

Last updated: 2023-03-01
