- Main Features
Bulk Options
- Bulk Options
- Audit
- Batch
- Column Input Expression
- Column Output Expression
- Column InputOutput Expression
- Column PrimaryKey Expression
- Column Synchronize DeleteKey Subset Expression
- Ignore OnInsert Expression
- Ignore OnMergeInsert Expression
- Ignore OnMergeMatched AndCondition Expression
- Ignore OnMergeMatched AndOneNotCondition Expression
- Ignore OnMergeUpdate Expression
- Ignore OnSynchronizeInsert Expression
- Ignore OnSynchronizeMatched AndCondition Expression
- Ignore OnSynchronizeMatched AndOneNotCondition Expression
- Ignore OnSynchronizeUpdate Expression
- Ignore OnUpdate Expression
- Ignore OnUpdateMatched AndCondition Expression
- Ignore OnUpdateMatched AndOneNotCondition Expression
- MergeMatched AndCondition Expression
- MergeMatched AndNotCondition Expression
- SynchronizeMatched AndCondition Expression
- SynchronizeMatched AndOneNotCondition Expression
- UpdateMatched AndCondition Expression
- UpdateMatched AndOneNotCondition Expression
- Coalesce Destination OnMergeUpdate Expression
- Coalesce Destination OnUpdate Expression
- Coalesce OnMergeUpdate Expression
- Coalesce OnUpdate Expression
- Context Factory
- Execute Event
- ExplicitValueResolutionMode
- Identity
- Include Graph
- ForceValueGeneratedStrategy
- Key
- Logging
- Rows Affected
- Temporary Table
- Transaction
- Transient Error
- SQL Server
- Coalesce
- Coalesce Destination
- Delete Matched and Condition
- Delete Matched and one NOT Condition
- Delete Matched and Formula
- Matched and Condition
- Matched and one NOT Condition
- Matched and Formula
- Batch Operations
- Events
- Utilities
- C# Eval Expression
- Articles
- Troubleshooting
- Release Notes
Entity Framework Extensions RetryCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of operations retry when a transient error occurs.
context.BulkSaveChanges(options => {
options.RetryCount = 3;
A transient error is a temporary error that is likely to disappear soon. That rarely happens but they might occur!
These options allow to reduce a bulk operation fail by making them retry when a transient error occurs.
What are transient error codes supported?
You can find a list of transient errors here: Transient fault error codes
Which includes the most common errors such as:
- Cannot open database
- The service is currently busy
- Database is not currently available
- Not enough resources to process request
Author: ZZZ Projects