Entity Framework Extensions Introduction


Entity Framework Extensions allow you to improve dramatically your save operations performance.

It's easy to use, and easy to customize.

Bulk SaveChanges

The BulkSaveChanges works like SaveChanges but way faster.

BulkSaveChanges use Bulk Operations to save all entities in the Change Tracker efficiently instead of performing a database round-trip for every entity like SaveChanges does.

BulkSaveChanges support everything:

  • Complex Types
  • Inheritance (TPC, TPH, TPT)
  • Relationship (One to One, One to Many, Many to Many)


var ctx = new EntitiesContext();

ctx.Customers.AddRange(listToAdd); // add
ctx.Customers.RemoveRange(listToRemove); // remove
listToModify.ForEach(x => x.DateModified = DateTime.Now); // modify

// Easy to use

// Easy to customize
context.BulkSaveChanges(bulk => bulk.BatchSize = 100);

Performance Comparisons

Operations 1,000 Entities 2,000 Entities 5,000 Entities
SaveChanges 1,000 ms 2,000 ms 5,000 ms
BulkSaveChanges 90 ms 150 ms 350 ms

Bulk Operations

Bulk Operations method provide you some flexibility by allowing some customization and performance enhancement.

All common methods are supported:

  • BulkInsert
  • BulkUpdate
  • BulkDelete
  • BulkMerge (UPSERT operation)
  • BulkSynchronize


var ctx = new EntitiesContext();

// Easy to use

// Easy to customize
   bulk => bulk.ColumnPrimaryKeyExpression = customer => customer.Code; });

Performance Comparisons

Operations 1,000 Entities 2,000 Entities 5,000 Entities
SaveChanges 1,000 ms 2,000 ms 5,000 ms
BulkInsert 6 ms 10 ms 15 ms
BulkUpdate 50 ms 55 ms 65 ms
BulkDelete 45 ms 50 ms 60 ms
BulkMerge 65 ms 80 ms 110 ms

FromQuery Operations

FromQuery method allows you to execute UPDATE or DELETE statements without loading entities in the context.


// DELETE all customers that are inactive for more than two years
    .Where(x => x.LastLogin < DateTime.Now.AddYears(-2))
// UPDATE all customers that are inactive for more than two years
    .Where(x => x.IsActive && x.LastLogin < DateTime.Now.AddYears(-2))
    .UpdateFromQuery(x => new Customer {IsActive = false});

Performance Comparisons

Operations 1,000 Entities 2,000 Entities 5,000 Entities
SaveChanges 1,000 ms 2,000 ms 5,000 ms
DeleteFromQuery 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
UpdateFromQuery 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms

Last updated: 2023-02-27
