Entity Framework Extensions Concurrency (EF Core)
Your model has a concurrency property, and you must resolve optimistic concurrency using a pattern.
Concurrency exceptions happens on:
- BulkSaveChanges
- BulkUpdate
- BulkDelete
- BulkMerge
When a concurrency error happens, only the first entry in error is returned (exactly like SaveChanges).
There are three possible scenarios:
- Database Wins (You keep database values)
- Custom Resolution (You merge properties from database and client entity)
- Client Wins (You keep current entity values)
Database Wins && Custom Resolution
If you want to keep database values or use a custom resolution (choose if you keep the current value or database value depending on the property) use a solution similar to this one:
var saved = false; while (!saved) { try { // Attempt to save changes to the database context.BulkSaveChanges(); saved = true; } catch (DbBulkOperationConcurrencyException ex) { foreach (var t in ex.Entries) { var entry = context.Entry(t); if (entry.Entity is EntitySimple) { var proposedValues = entry.CurrentValues; var databaseValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues(); foreach (var property in proposedValues.Properties) { var proposedValue = proposedValues[property]; var databaseValue = databaseValues[property]; // CHOOSE which value should be written to database proposedValues[property] = databaseValue; } // Refresh original values to bypass next concurrency check entry.OriginalValues.SetValues(proposedValues); } } } }
For this solution ensures that your concurrency property value is updated with the database value.
Client Wins
If you wish to keep the current value, there is two choice:
- Only update the concurrency property with the database value (See Database Wins && Custom Resolution solution)
- Use the
AllowConcurrency = false
option. When enabled, theBulkSaveChanges
will no longer check if there is some concurrency error.
context.BulkSaveChanges(options => options.AllowConcurrency = false);
BulkUpdate / BulkDelete / BulkMerge
Due to backward compatibility, in EF Core, the concurrency is not enabled by default for those operations.
To enable it, you need to use the EnableConcurrencyForBulkOperation = true
context.BulkUpdate(list, options =>
options.EnableConcurrencyForBulkOperation = true;
When a concurrency error happens, the method will return a DbBulkOperationConcurrencyException
, which contains all error entries.
Again there are three possible scenarios:
- Database Wins (You keep database values)
- Custom Resolution (You merge properties from database and client entity)
- Client Wins (You keep current entity values)
You can use the same logic as BulkSaveChanges
to handle concurrency issues, depending on how you want to handle entities in error.
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